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Farms for sale San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato GPS
The only country development born from the exceptional vision of world-class Pablo and a group of expert developers who love the equestrian world and contact with nature.
The vision is to generate an exclusive community that enjoys the freedom of open spaces, the practice of equestrian sports, but above all to share and live the love of family, nature and the magic that San Miguel de Allende, the heart of Mexico, has to offer.

It has become a symbol of quality, design and good taste, creating a timeless architecture that uses natural materials adapted to the environment.

All lots have private access, stone facade and wide spaces between the residential lot and the public area for greater privacy.

Club house
Residential lots
Horse riding track
Paddle court, tennis and helipad
Lavender fields
*Prices subject to change without prior notice. EasyBroker ID: EB-LY7196